Strings of Sound
Try this: pluck a string tied at both ends. Hear that? That’s music in its simplest form.
Reading Recommendation
Victor Wooten
The Music Lesson:
A Spiritual Search for Growth Through Music
Music is a Language
You don’t need to be a musician to start playing music. You don’t need hours of tutorials, a pile of textbooks or endless YouTube video tutorials. You just need your heart.
Listen to where curiosity can lead you.
A child with a pair of ears and curiosity will pick up an instrument and start to play.
You can too.
Try this: Start with one voice. Add another, then another.
Lune turns your instrument into a game controller, so playing music feels less like practice, more like Mario Kart.
Lune Pods are portable music companions that lets you turn music instruments into powerful interactive experiences.
Groove Kart is a fast-paced, music-driven racing game where you control the groove by adjusting the number of checkpoints for your car. You shape the rhythm by adding or removing checkpoints to influence the beat, flow, and feel of the race.
Try this: Change the number of checkpoints per track & make a masterpiece.
Don't forget to unmute. Change the checkpoints and see